Sponsor spotlight: Addin365

Addin365 logo

How long have you been an IoIC sponsor?  

Since 2021.  

What’s your favourite part of being a sponsor of IoIC? 

The Festival, which is such a great opportunity to learn in person from IC leaders thinking about a wide range of topics from digital employee experience (an area AddIn365 are expert in) to career development. It is also brilliant fun and not called a festival for nothing! 

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a sponsor?

The IoIC offers great visibility, so think about how you will differentiate your organisation from other sponsors that on the surface might look like they do a similar thing. 

What top 3 topics are you most interested in?

AddIn365 are specialists in digital workplace for Microsoft 365, so perhaps unsurprisingly we are interested in: How technology like AI can help IC professionals both to produce comms and aid employee understanding - and delivering personalised digital experiences using Microsoft 365 for employees.  

Tell us a fun fact about your company that not many people know?

We are 67% female, which for a tech company is really unusual - and we come from a range of professional backgrounds from an ex-teacher to someone that used to work in a paper mill in Manchester. Our diversity has created an environment in which we speak clearly about complex subjects, both internally and with our clients. Internal comms tech doesn't need to be confusing! 


Website:  https://www.addin365.com/