Sponsor spotlight: ContactMonkey

Tell us something about ContactMonkey. 

We’re on a mission to make employee engagement easier, one impactful email at a time. 

Contact Monkey

Internal communicators face some tough challenges: crafting newsletters that captivate, battling time-consuming design, brainstorming content, and manually updating lists to reach the right audience. Engaging employees can often feel like pulling teeth—participation is low and interest fades fast. Plus, without the right tools, measuring impact is a guessing game, relying on a messy mix of channels. 

ContactMonkey is here to change all that. Our internal email software integrates seamlessly with Outlook and Gmail, making it easy to create engaging employee emails in minutes. All it takes? Drag, drop, and deliver custom content into an email builder. Internal communicators can add surveys, polls, and multimedia to their emails without needing any design or coding skills. Ultimately, our goal is to bridge the gap between diverse workforces and how they connect to achieve business goals. 

Why did you decide to become a sponsor of IoIC? 

IoIC aligns perfectly with our mission to empower internal communicators with the tools they need to engage employees and drive business success. We want to support the internal comms community, share our innovative solutions, and learn from the best minds in the field. This is an incredible opportunity to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and continue advancing the industry together.

In what ways does your organisation contribute to the internal communications community, and how do you see this partnership with IoIC enhancing that contribution?

We’re all about making internal comms easier and more effective, so we won’t shy away from sharing tips, insights, and best practices to help communicators engage and connect with their teams better. 

Our tools streamline the process, so you can create awesome newsletters, motivate employees, boost positive work culture, and measure the impact of your internal comms. 

By teaming up with IoIC, we can connect with other experts and keep the conversation going about what really works in internal comms.

What top 3 topics are you most interested in? 

  • Leadership communication 
  • Employee engagement, experience, and culture
  • The role trending and emerging AI plays in internal comms

What are your highlights from attending the IoIC Festival as a sponsor? 

  • The unique venue, evening event with live music, and all the wonderful people we met during the event!

Tell us a fun fact about your company that not many people know?

  • We started out as an email marketing tool nearly a decade ago, but when we found a gap in the market for internal communications, we quickly pivoted to a new solution. With 1000+ customers and a global presence, ContactMonkey’s goal is to continue enhancing our product to solve the pain points of internal communicators everywhere!

