IC Index Panel - Trust and Leadership

IC Index Panel - Trust and Leadership

Join us this autumn for a series of panel events with industry experts, where we will be delving a little deeper into the findings in the IC Index

2024’s IC Index is the Trust Issue, so we are beginning the panel events by looking at trust and leadership. We know that good communication is the basis for trust in any relationship, but what exactly does that mean in the context of work and how do we quantify it?  

The Index shows:

  • Where internal communication is rated as excellent, levels of trust in leadership are much higher and people are more likely to stay with the organisation for longer 

  • More than one in five are ‘all-round cynics’ – 22% of employees fall into this group, with very low levels of trust in their manager, leaders and the organisation overall 

  • Managers who listen to people’s views are valued by people at all levels 

  • Only 26% of managers said they’d had training in ‘supporting employees when they have a personal issue’ 

  • Trust in direct managers is high, but many are unsure if they can trust more senior leaders 

  • Where employees rate internal communication as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’, their level of trust in leaders is higher 

  • For employees that have been through a restructure, if their experience of communication is excellent, their belief that communication is open and honest is incredibly high, at 93%. They also have high levels of trust in leadership. For those who have been through a restructure and feel communication is poor, these scores are incredibly low. 

Digging into this complex topic, the panellists will look to address these findings - understand the current state of trust in organisations, what builds it, what damages it and, most importantly for us, what role do we play as internal communicators? How can we elevate trust in leaders and CEOs to the same level as managers? 

We will confirm the industry expert panellists on this page shortly.

You can book onto the other IC Index Panels here.

This event will take place on Zoom. Once you have booked, click the 'Manage your booking' link below to access the Zoom details. Sessions will be recorded, sent to all those who registered and placed in the On Demand section of the Knowledge Hub.

Paul  Diggins

Paul Diggins

Head of Internal Communications, Santander UK

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Emily Hecker

Emily Hecker

Founder and Director, Emily Hecker International

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Dominic  Walters

Dominic Walters

Leadership Communication Specialist

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