Leading Agile Communications

Leading Agile Communications

Companies are increasingly adopting Agile ways of working to ensure their businesses are set up to be sustainable for the future.  This organisational agility is key to survive and thrive, but many companies are struggling to get their people on board with new ways of working.

Internal communicators are essential for bridging this disconnect and ensuring the success of transformations.

To do this internal communication professionals need to understand Agile practices and be able to design communications that encourage colleague buy-in to new ways of working.

The Leading Agile Communications Course will provide IC professionals with knowledge and confidence around Agile working, and will equip them with a toolkit for communication planning and storytelling around Agile transformation.

Who should attend?

This course is for internal communications professionals who work with, or will work with Agile teams or programmes.

The course is suitable for those working at levels 2 and 3 of the Profession Map.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, attendees will:

  • Feel confident in this space and be able to have credible conversations with Agile teams
  • Understand the communications mindset and approach required to be successful with Agile
  • Design communications that encourage colleague buy-in to the new ways of working
  • Have a toolkit for communications planning and storytelling for an Agile transformation.

The course will cover

  • Basics of Agile Ways of Working and the jargon
  • Communications planning, sourcing stories and successful storytelling in an Agile environment
  • How to navigate Agile Teams.

Additional Benefits

Additional benefits include:  

  • Pre and post course access to Canvas, the IoIC's online learning environment, where you will find all course materials and be able to engage with their fellow participants through forum discussions
  • Five CPD Points for IoIC Members
  • A network of like-minded professionals to connect with and learn from
  • Suit of post-course materials including an Agile Reference Guide and Ready-to-Execute Comms Plans for Small/Light and Large Agile Transformations
  • Hands-on course with practical exercises to complete and apply your learning to 
  • Learning from an experienced agile working and transformation specialist.

Please note that we use Zoom for our online courses. Please ensure that you are able to access this system where you are based before booking your place. All times are in GMT. 

Meet the trainer

Blogs by the trainer:

Should professional communicators care about Agile in 2024?

How not to be an Agile Alien



Erum  Quddus

Erum Quddus

Agile & Tech Transformation Storyteller, Founder, The Agile Storytelling Company

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