Thrive Well Programme

Thrive Well Programme

How do you create your biggest and best work life in a fast changing world comprising tight deadlines and an ever increasing workstack?

Grounded in neuroscience, this 9-week programme delivers the knowledge, tools and practices to achieve exactly that.

A transformative journey that takes you from where you are now to where you want to be. As you learn to overcome self-doubt and limited thinking, you will embrace positive new habits, expand self-awareness and enhance your personal energy and resilience to thrive as the best, healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

The programme is delivered by Deborah Hulme. Harnessing her deep expertise in neuroscience and leadership, Deborah transforms complex science into pratical strategies for enhanced wellness and performance. 

What will you learn?

Module 1: Foundation and Assessment 

Recognise and strengthen the foundations necessary to stay well and perform well within changing environments. Identify where you are startng from, reflecting on where you might need to focus attention during the programme. Key Topics:

  • Core Components; learn the components that make a whole, happy, well self, how they work together and the importance of balance.

  • Assessment; identify your start and desired point, including available energy reserves.

  • Awareness; learn the importance of self-compassion, its impact and why its important to clear up all the messes.

Module 2: Brain and Mind

Change your thoughts, change your brain, change your reality. The greater your understanding of how the brain and mind work together, the more control you have to direct your own path. By understanding and improving how you think, there is increased Cognitive flexibility and adaptability as well as enhanced performance under pressure. Key Topics:

  • Cognitive flexibility; learn how the conscious and subconscious self works together and what they require for high performance.

  • Change; learn how the brain changes and what this means for what we do, including how and when we learn.

  • Mindset; learn the power of mindset, how to cancel rumination and create more beneficial thinking pathways.

Module 3: Stress Management and Social Connection

Embrace effective yet practical stress management strategies that deliver results, seamlessly, within the daily routine. At the same (me strengthen professional and personal relationships through improved communication and empathic engagement as you create a robust support network. Key Topics:

  • Stress triggers & management; learn how to recognise the signs and manage the response.
  • Stress mindset; learn how mindset matters, harnessing good stress for high performance.
  • Connection, performance & well-being; learn how to connect for impact and understand the dangers of isolation. 

Module 4: The Work of Happiness

Cultivate the thoughts, habits and practices that influence and shape your experience of the external environment. Simple techniques to transform feelings and behaviours for an elevated sense of happiness, reframing perspectives for enhanced personal and professional success. Key Topics:

  • The happiness set-point; learn how to understand, identify and shift the dial.
  • Self-made happiness; learn what it is, why its important and how to create it.
  • Happiness pillars; learn what makes and supports the pillars that underpin happiness.

Who is the programme for?

The course is designed specifically for internal communicators, particularly those suffering from a lack of self-belief or who are looking to better understand themselves, drive high performance and a create happier work-life.

How is the course delivered?

Thrive Well is a 9-week programme delivered online, including: 

  • Four Learning Sessions (2-hours each).
  • Three Reflections/Q&A sessions (1-hour each). 
  • Monday Motivation Videos: Short video messages aligned to module content, posted each week 
  • Thrive Well Private Discussion Groups: A dedicated space for participants to post updates, share successes and challenges. 
  • Downloadable Exercises and Worksheets.
  • Interactive Workbook.
  • Thrive Well Book.

Course Schedule 

Please note that we use Zoom for our online courses. Please ensure that you are able to access Zoom where you are based before booking your place. All times are UK. 


Module 1 Learning Session 10 October, 10am-12pm
Reflection/Q&A 17 October, 10-11am
Module 2 Learning Session 23 October, 10am-12pm
Reflection/Q&A 31 October, 10-11am
Module 3 Learning Session 7 November, 10am-12pm
Reflection/Q&A 14 November, 10-11am
Module 4 Learning Session 21 November, 10am-12pm
Reflection/Q&A 5 December, 10-11am
Additional Benefits 
  • A copy of Deborah Hulme's Thrive Well Book
  • Pre and post-course access to Canvas, the IoIC's dedicated online learning environment 
  • Downloadable Exercises, Worksheets and an Interactive Workbook
  • Access to Thrive Well Private Discussion Groups
  • Ten CPD Points for IoIC Members.
Deborah Hulme

Deborah Hulme

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