Webinar: AI and the future of internal communication

Webinar: AI and the future of internal communication

Two IoIC CPD Points

Join us on 4 October as we explore the IoIC’s new whitepaper ‘AI and the future of internal communication’. 

In this session Cathryn Barnard from Working the Future and Jennifer Sproul, CEO of IoIC, will take you through the white paper which outlines the opportunities but also the key considerations for adoption of AI to include:

  • Types of AI and their use
  • Where should we apply caution
  • Some of the ethical considerations
  • Upskilling requirements

In such a fast-moving landscape, it’s not yet possible to present absolute answers to the big questions surrounding AI. On the other hand, it’s entirely feasible to set out the questions we currently have in order to collectively address them over the coming weeks and months. 

We hope this webinar and white paper will help us collectively discuss these key questions as the AI landscape continues to evolve at lightening speed to ensure we help you stay informed and educated.

This event will take place on Zoom. Once you have booked, click the 'Manage your booking' link below to access the Zoom details. Sessions will be recorded, sent to all those who registered and placed in the On Demand section of the Knowledge Hub.

Cathryn  Barnard

Cathryn Barnard

Director, Working the Future

Find out more

Jennifer Sproul

Jennifer Sproul

Chief Executive, Institute of Internal Communication

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