Webinar: IC Index 2024

Webinar: IC Index 2024

Two IoIC CPD Points

Join this webinar to hear more about the second edition of the IC Index, with a focus on Trust. This unique research undertaken in partnership between the IoIC and Ipsos Karian & Box, explores the impact of internal communication on UK employees and how we can drive strategic value to organisations.

Released on Thursday 20 June, this research is ground-breaking for the IC profession and will help all practitioners improve their work by delivering great communication experiences for our people that also support the delivery of organisational outcomes. It is has been designed in consultation with leading IC thinkers and asks a robust sample of UK employees those key questions to help us understand what they want and need from internal communication and how this will help our organisations embed world class internal communication that drives organisational objectives.

During this session, our team of experts will discuss the key findings, and their implications for IC professionals. Critically, we will set out the action employers can take to enhance internal communication in order to improve its impact on employees and performance.

A copy of the report is available on our website.

This event will take place on Zoom. Once you have booked, click the 'Manage your booking' link below to access the Zoom details. Sessions will be recorded, sent to all those who registered and placed in the On Demand section of the Knowledge Hub.

Susanna Holten

Susanna Holten

Principal Consultant, Ipsos Karian and Box

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Jennifer Sproul

Jennifer Sproul

Chief Executive, Institute of Internal Communication

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