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Research and Thought Leadership

Our thought leadership reports and insights take an in-depth look at the challenges and trends facing the internal communication profession.

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The Future of Internal Communication podcast, exploring the impact of the future of work on internal communication.

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More Factsheets and Guides

The IoIC Toolkit includes a variety of resources including factsheets, guides, and downloadable templates which can be edited for practical use.

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On Demand

On this page you can browse past recordings of events where we discuss challenges and trends in internal communication, and learnings from subject experts to take away practical tips to help in your role.

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IoIC Blogs

Dive into the IoIC blogs for internal comms insights and views from the internal communication world.

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Case studies

Our case studies showcase how our award winners delivered great work across a range of internal communication campaigns, initiatives, channels, skills , people and new innovations.


Voice Online

Voice July 2024 issue

Voice Magazine July 2024

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IC Index 2024: The Trust Issue

Providing valuable insights into employees' perceptions of internal communication and trust within UK organisations

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