Exploring the 2024 IC Index with Susanna Holten

Series 10, Bonus Episode of the Future of Internal Communication podcast

17 Jul 2024

The IC Index is a first-of-its-kind research project commissioned by the IoIC that explores the impact of internal communication on internal stakeholders. To mark the launch of the 2024 IC Index, Jen, Dom and Cat welcome Susanna Holten from project partner Ipsos Karian & Box.

As research project lead, Susanna has expert insights as to what the data means for the internal communication profession. As this year’s report focusses on trust, this podcast conversation explores the criticality of trust for employee advocacy, collaboration, and leadership.

Much like the report itself, this episode covers a vast amount of ground. The need for clear and inclusive internal communication has never been more urgent. Not least as organisations must – in so many cases – pivot their business strategies to maintain market relevance, adapt to AI-enabled workplaces and strive to find hybrid work equilibrium. 



  • Trust is a key driver of employee advocacy, collaboration, and engagement.
  • Empathy from leaders and effective communication from direct managers are crucial for building trust.
  • External events and the employer's stance on socio-cultural and economic issues impact employee trust and engagement.
  • Internal communication plays a vital role in creating a hyper-connected organisation.
  • Communication training for managers and leaders is essential for effective internal communication. Good relationships at work are crucial for employee engagement and customer relationships.
  • Values alignment is important for creating a cohesive and supportive organisational culture.
  • Transparency and radical honesty are key in building trust and improving communication.
  • Internal communicators have the opportunity to drive change and take a stance on important issues.
  • The IC Index provides valuable insights and data for internal communicators to inform their strategies and actions.




S10 Bonus Episode Exploring the 2024 IC Index with Susanna Holten


About Susanna Holten

Susanna is a Principal Consultant at Ipsos Karian and Box. Alongside leading a team of internal communication and behaviour change consultants, she's been driving the IK&B internal communication audit offering over the past few years. She supports a broad range of clients in the IC research and strategic advisory space. She leads the work on the annual IC Index report, in close collaboration with the IoIC.