IC Index 2024: The Trust Issue

Building on last year's approach, this year's IC Index includes additional insights from internal communication practitioners. We've incorporated survey results from IoIC members alongside employee feedback. Thank you to everyone who shared their perspectives.

20 Jun 2024

The inaugural IC Index in 2023 explored the desires and needs of UK employees regarding their internal communication function. We were thrilled with the positive reception and the number of leaders and communicators who reported that the insights not only sparked lively conversations but also drove action within their organisations.

Building on last year's approach, this year's IC Index includes additional insights from internal communication practitioners. We've incorporated survey results from IoIC members alongside employee feedback. Thank you to everyone who shared their perspectives.

We've also engaged with senior leaders to understand what they value most from their communicators. These conversations inspired the creation of a fictional CEO Q&A. While no single leader articulated all these points verbatim, the themes strongly reflect the appreciation of leaders who truly understand and value your efforts.

Despite these additional insights, our primary focus remains on employees. The rigorous research by Ipsos Karian and Box ensures we provide you with valid and actionable data about the UK workforce.

This report includes insights on hot topics and deeper analysis of some of the persistent challenges in our profession.

We hope this report helps you devise new strategies, build business cases for investment, and influence leaders to better understand the value you bring to their organisation.