IoIC supports 'Generation Valuable' mentoring programme for inclusive leadership

IoIC proudly supports "Generation Valuable," a global mentoring programme by The Valuable 500 that pairs executives with disabled leaders, fostering dynamic partnerships that drive personal growth and organisational change.

05 Sep 2024

The Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC) is proud to support "Generation Valuable," a groundbreaking global mentoring programme launched by The Valuable 500. This innovative initiative pairs senior executives with emerging leaders who have a connection to disability, aiming to reshape the future of leadership and enhance competitive advantage in an increasingly diverse marketplace.

A graphic of the name of the programme which says Generation Valuable powered by moving ahead shaping the future of inclusive leadership. The text is white on a purple background.

Generation Valuable goes beyond traditional mentoring. It focuses on driving progress in inclusive leadership, cultivating future leaders with diverse perspectives, enhancing decision-making capabilities, expanding global cross-sector professional networks, and positioning organisations at the forefront of disability inclusion.

IoIC is committed to championing effective internal communication and fostering more connected and engaged workplaces. We believe Generation Valuable aligns perfectly with our mission, offering valuable insights for members on inclusive communication and the opportunity to develop leadership skills in an inclusive environment.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative programme!

Registration Deadline: 18th October 2024
Programme Start: 18th November 2024

To learn more and sign up click here.