Impact - Comms to combat apathy: landing a once-in-a-generation change with 12,000 people too busy to care

11.10am – 11.50am BST, 19 June 2025 ‐ 40 mins

Case Study

Over the last two years, Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) - the part of the Ministry of Defence delivering equipment and support services to our armed forces - have been implementing organisational reform to make sure the UK’s soldiers, sailors, aviators and allies have the battle-winning kit they need, when they need it. This complex change, involving 12,000 people across over 20 sites, was delivered alongside unprecedented operational demand in response to fraught global security. For two years DE&S’ small comms team have worked to build the case for change, increase understanding of the new organisation and support people through transition into the new DE&S. This was delivered amid the pressures of a war in Europe, a change of government and despite the constraints of outdated channels and a dispersed, overworked, hard to reach audience. This talk will showcase the approaches used to cut through institutional change apathy.

Three takeaways from the session:

  1. How to tell complex stories that are constantly evolving 
  2. Communicating change in a heavily regulated environment 
  3. Delivering big messages regionally 

Aimed at the following practitioner levels: