The role of the internal communicator has never been so important.
According to the 2025 Edelman Trust Barometer, trust in business has slipped to ‘grievance’ level. Add to this, business confidence dropping to a 10-year low, the threat of layoffs and restructuring, and the uncertainty around DEI and ESG.
As internal communicators, all these ‘hot potatoes’ will touch your desk.
Amidst all the uncertainty, you must be bridge builders, guardians of trust and articulators of the vision. It’s a complex dance to dance.
We believe a shift in perspective, from anxiety to hope, is essential. At The Beautiful Truth we blend business acumen, creativity and philosophy, to build trust, uncover meaning and inspire imagination. And in our session we’ll explore techniques, using the power of film, for doing just that.
Three takeaways from the session:
Aimed at the following practitioner levels: